Traits were added to groovy in 2.3 and I hadn’t used one yet in a real project. While writing some geb tests for a ratpack application recently, I needed to be able to log in as a user before the test executed. I wanted to reuse the log in code for other tests and decided a trait was a nice solution.
Why a trait and not a base class?
- Adding the trait to the spec that needs it marks that test very explicitly as one which logs in a user first.
- It is composable with other traits I may add
Here is the trait itself:
trait LogInUserTrait {
EmailAccount anEmailAccountUser(RemoteControl remote, String screenName, String email, String password) {
remote.exec {
Cellar cellar = new Cellar(screenName: screenName, displayName: screenName)
EmailAccount emailAccount = new EmailAccount(email: email, password: password)
emailAccount.cellar = cellar
get(, null)
void cleanUpUsers(RemoteControl remote) {
remote.exec {
try {
Sql sql = new Sql(get(DataSource))
sql.execute('delete from account_email where 1=1')
sql.execute('delete from cellar_role where 1=1')
sql.execute('delete from cellar where 1=1')
} catch (JdbcSQLException e) {
// I don't think this should make the test fail: Will also be changed moving to jOOQ.
void logInUser(String email, String password) {
LoginPage page = to LoginPage
page.fillForm(email, password)
And here is the test which uses it:
@IgnoreIf({ SpecFlags.isTrue(SpecFlags.NO_FUNCTIONAL) })
class BreweriesFunctionalSpec extends GebReportingSpec implements LogInUserTrait {
ApplicationUnderTest aut = new CellarHqApplication()
RemoteControl remote = new RemoteControl(aut)
def setupSpec() {
browser.baseUrl = aut.getAddress().toString()
EmailAccount emailAccount = anEmailAccountUser(remote, 'someone', '', 'badpassword')
logInUser('', 'badpassword')
def cleanupSpec() {
def 'verify can get to an empty list page'() {
to BreweriesPage
at BreweriesPage
def 'can add a new brewery'() {
when: 'Navigate to the add brewery page'
AddBreweryPage addBreweryPage = to AddBreweryPage
and: 'the form is filled it'
and: 'the form is submitted'
then: 'the show brewery page is displayed'
at ShowBreweryPage
Overall using traits were trivial. You do need to use the IntelliJ 14 EAP if you want IDE support.