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We often use asynchronous execution of writes to cassandra tables. These methods return as soon as the call to cassandra is made which makes testing them a pain. I was resorting to adding a half second sleep after the method call before verifying the result in an integration test, but that was very fragile and would fail occassionally in our CI envrionment.

###Example Cassandra Method

void deleteSubscriptions(EventSource subscriberSource, String subscriberId) {
		log.debug("Deleting subscriptions by subscriber subscriberType: ${subscriberSource}, sourceId: ${subscriberId}")

		BoundStatement boundStatement = deleteBySubscriber.bind()
		boundStatement.setString("subscriberId", subscriberId)


###Test Example

        when: "the events are deleted"

        and: "the subscriptions are retrieved by source"
        // this may be brittle because the delete is happening asynchronously

        Observable<EventSubscription> deletedBySource = cassandraEventSubscriptionService.findAllBySource(

        and: "the subscriptions are retrieved by subscriber"
        Observable<EventSubscription> deletedBySubscriber = cassandraEventSubscriptionService.findAllBySubscriber(

        then: "the persisted subscription list has the original event subscription persisted"
        deletedBySubscriber.toList().toBlocking().first() == []
        deletedBySource.toList().toBlocking().first() == [eventSubscription2]


I wanted a way to retry test conditions without retrying the entire test. At first I thought spock async conditions might help, but I misunderstood how they worked. So I decided to write a retriable condition.

This allows you to retry specific then conditionals. Pass a closure to the retry method along with a number of retries to execute and optionally an amount of time to pause between executions. The closure must make explicit calls to assert. If all attempts and trying the conditions fail, the final assertion failure will bubble up as the test failure reason.

public class RetriableCondition {
	private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Throwable> exceptions = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Throwable>();

	public RetriableCondition() {

	 * Evaluates the specified block, which is expected to contain
	 * one or more explicit conditions (i.e. assert statements).
	 * Any caught exception will be rethrown.</tt>.
	 * @param block the code block to evaluate
	public void retry(int times, int pauseInMilliseconds, Runnable block)
			throws SpockAssertionError, InterruptedException {
		for(int i=0;i<times;i++) {
			try {;
			} catch (Throwable t) {

		String msg = String.format("Retried block %d times and it failed every time,", times);
		throw new SpockAssertionError(msg, exceptions.poll());

	 * Evaluates the specified block, which is expected to contain
	 * one or more explicit conditions (i.e. assert statements).
	 * Any caught exception will be rethrown.</tt>.
	 * @param block the code block to evaluate
	public void retry(int times, Runnable block) throws SpockAssertionError, InterruptedException {
		retry(times, 0, block);

###Updated Test Condition

 then: "the persisted subscription list has the original event subscription persisted"
        condition.retry(5) {
	        Observable<EventSubscription> deletedBySource = cassandraEventSubscriptionService.findAllBySource(

	        Observable<EventSubscription> deletedBySubscriber = cassandraEventSubscriptionService.findAllBySubscriber(

	        assert deletedBySubscriber.toList().toBlocking().first() == []
	        assert deletedBySource.toList().toBlocking().first() == [eventSubscription2]

Example failure message

| Running 1 integration test... 1 of 1
| Failure:  can save, find and delete cassandra subscriptions(physicalgraph.event.cassandra.CassandraEventSubscriptionServiceIntegrationSpec)
|  Retried block 5 times and it failed every time,
    at physicalgraph.RetriableCondition.retry(
    at physicalgraph.event.cassandra.CassandraEventSubscriptionServiceIntegrationSpec.can save, find and delete cassandra subscriptions(CassandraEventSubscriptionServiceIntegrationSpec.groovy:50)
Caused by: Condition not satisfied:

bySource.toList().toBlocking().first() != [eventSubscription, eventSubscription2]
|        |        |            |       |   |                  |
|        |        |            |       |   |                  physicalgraph.event.cassandra.EventSubscription(DEVICE, 123, DEVICE, 789, switch.on, methodToCall, true, 2015-06-26T15:27:29.606-05:00)
|        |        |            |       |   physicalgraph.event.cassandra.EventSubscription(DEVICE, 123, DEVICE, 456, switch.on, methodToCall, true, 2015-06-26T15:27:29.589-05:00)
|        |        |            |       false
|        |        |            [physicalgraph.event.cassandra.EventSubscription(DEVICE, 123, DEVICE, 456, switch.on, methodToCall, true, 2015-06-26T15:27:29.589-05:00), physicalgraph.event.cassandra.EventSubscription(DEVICE, 123, DEVICE, 789, switch.on, methodToCall, true, 2015-06-26T15:27:29.606-05:00)]
|        |        rx.observables.BlockingObservable@10089d0a
|        rx.Observable@54e33280

    at physicalgraph.event.cassandra.CassandraEventSubscriptionServiceIntegrationSpec.can save, find and delete cassandra subscriptions_closure1(CassandraEventSubscriptionServiceIntegrationSpec.groovy:59)
    at physicalgraph.RetriableCondition.retry(
    ... 1 more
| Completed 1 integration test, 1 failed in 0m 1s